Cashmere Glow

 The cashmere glow cocktail is inspired by this Bath and Body Works fragrance:

About the fragrance

I first purchased this fragrance as a body cream in 2016 after trying it on in the store. I liked it, but it was retired the following year so I could no longer purchase it in stores, although it was still available online. I ordered the fragrance mist pictured online in 2021. It is currently available online as a body lotion, body cream, and fragrance mist.

The scent notes listed for this fragrance are:

Golden peach

Lily petals

Shimmering vanilla

Cashmere musk

Designing the cocktail

I used peach flavored sparkling water for the mixer. Peach soda would work as well. I used lily petals (some varieties are edible) from the Etsy shop Herbal Mansion. For the vanilla note, I used vanilla vodka and added vanilla simple syrup for sweetness and additional flavor. I used white rum for the musk note.


1 oz vanilla vodka

1 oz white rum

1 oz vanilla simple syrup

6 oz peach sparkling water or soda

Lily petals (make sure the variety you use is edible)

Place two ice cubes in a glass. Add vanilla vodka, white rum, and vanilla simple syrup. Pour in peach sparkling water or soda. Garnish with lily petals. For a non-alcoholic version, omit the vanilla vodka and white rum.

The finished cocktail

I would give this cocktail an average rating. I liked it better than Forever Red and Coconut Lime Breeze, but not as much as the other cocktails I have invented. The rum taste was detected first, followed by the vanilla and peach flavors. The spicy taste of the lily petals contrasted well with the vanilla and peach. I would recommend this cocktail to anyone who likes rum cocktails and peach flavor.


  1. Sorry you didn't like it as well as some of the other cocktails you've created. What made it only average to you?

    1. I thought the peach got lost among the other flavors.


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