Snowflakes and Cashmere

 The snowflakes and cashmere cocktail is inspired by this Bath and Body Works fragrance:

 About the fragrance

I first purchased this fragrance as a body lotion in 2018. I ordered it online based on reviews saying that it was similar to Cashmere Glow, which I liked. I liked the body lotion, but after it was used up I didn't own anything else in this scent until 2021, when I received the fragrance mist in a Secret Santa gift exchange. The scent is currently unavailable online, but it will hopefully be back next holiday season.

The scent notes listed for this fragrance are:

Vanilla cashmere cream

Caramel woods

Frosted clementine

Designing the cocktail

I used half and half as the mixer to capture the cream essence.  I used vanilla vodka and caramel vodka for the first two notes. I used Grand Marnier for the clementine note since I already had it on hand and oranges are closely related to clementines. I added homemade vanilla simple syrup for sweetness, and I drizzled the inside of the glass with Torani brand caramel sauce for sweetness and visual effect.


1 oz vanilla vodka

1 oz caramel vodka

½ oz Grand Marnier or other orange liqueur

1 oz vanilla simple syrup

6 oz half and half

Caramel sauce

Combine vanilla vodka, caramel vodka, orange liqueur, vanilla simple syrup, and half and half in a regular glass or cocktail shaker. Drizzle caramel sauce around the inside of two cocktail glasses. Transfer half and half mixture to cocktail glasses. For a non-alcoholic version, omit the vanilla vodka, caramel vodka, and orange liqueur, and add 1/2 oz orange simple syrup to achieve the orange flavor.

The finished cocktail

I enjoyed this cocktail. It was very sweet; it would probably be categorized as a dessert cocktail. Caramel was the strongest flavor. The orange flavor was difficult to detect, but I deliberately added less orange liqueur than the other ingredients since clementine was the last note listed. The caramel sauce tended to settle to the bottom of the glass, creating an ombre effect. I would recommend this cocktail to any sweet tooth who loves caramel.


  1. You're going to have to make this one for me when we visit! It sounds great.


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